
Transus, here’s why

Effortless trading with more than 100,000 partners. Real-time insight into all your orders. Send unlimited business documents. Linked directly to your systems and software. That is the power of Transus.

100.000+ partners
Join the largest trading network out there today. We’re growing every day.
Real-time insight
Access your business documents anytime, anywhere, securely in the cloud.
Smart pairing
Works seamlessly with your system. SAP, Microsoft Dynamics 365 / AX / NAV, Sage, myfactory, LSE, Xentral, weclapp or many other systems.
Unlimited trading
Send unlimited business documents. Trade with as many partners as you want.
Affordable subscriptions
Scalable trading, for a fixed low price per month. Can be cancelled monthly.
Get started within 24 hours
We’ll connect you within 24 hours. Easy to use: you can get started right away.

Confident trading

You want to focus on what really matters. Your products or services. Your customer experiences. The growth of your business. And that’s why you rely on Transus’s automatic EDI process.

  • Automatic document validation
  • Automatic invoice records
  • Access to all your business documents at all times

Pick your subscription

EDI Basic
EDI Basic
€ 54,50
per month
One-off connection fee: from €150,-
The premier EDI web portal for retail suppliers.
  • Through our web portal
  • Exchange all business documents
  • Automatic document validation
  • Real-time insight into your documents
  • Support included
EDI Plus
EDI Plus
€ 107,00
per month
One-off connection fee: from €150,-
Advanced solution, with EDI automation.
  • Includes everything from EDI Basic
  • Create SSCC labels
  • Automatic transport configuration
  • Link to your ERP software
  • Includes API link to Transus
EDI Premium
EDI Premium
€ 167,50
per month
One-off connection fee: from €150,-
Complete EDI solution, with Premium support. 
  • Includes everything from EDI Plus
  • Premium support included
  • Your personal Incident Manager
  • Support for your trading partners
  • Complete online VMI solution